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TRP’s Computer Literacy Program Trains Community Residents in Technology Skills

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, July 25, 2018 — On Saturday June 16th, the graduates of TRP’s Technology Leadership Institute gathered at the La Casa Resource Center to celebrate their accomplishments. A few of the graduates participated in a raffle and won a tablet as a prize for completing the class. But their real reward was the development of valuable technology skills. This training allows the participants to better support their children at school, use technology to alert neighbors about potential gang activity, and share resources on how to stay safe online, while also increasing their accessibility to new careers.
Since 2009, TRP has been offering computer literacy programs to Pilsen and Back of the Yards residents. The impact of offering computer literacy classes in communities where such resources are limited cannot be overstated.
In the spring of 2018, with the support of Comcast, TRP launched the Technology Leadership Institute. The institute is offered through a series of classes taught over 12 weeks at TRP’s satellite offices: one in Back of the Yards and one in Pilsen. Each office has its own computer lab, and the classes include skills training on online safety and the programs within Microsoft Office Suite. The classroom size at these locations allows for a flexible teaching environment through one-on-one coaching and small class sizes that facilitate meaningful engagement for participants. “Comcast is the proud sponsor of TRP’s Technology Institute, which is vitally important for bridging the digital divide in neighborhoods on the Southwest Side of Chicago.” said Debra Marton, Senior Manager of Community Investment at Comcast.
Following a successful first year, TRP plans to continue this program and its work of building healthy communities.