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TRP Welcomes Julian Posada

The Resurrection Project (TRP) welcomes Julian Posada as their new Chief Operating and Enterprise Officer. He will lead the growth and expansion of TRP’s social enterprise ventures with the objective of making it a stronger organization.
“I am excited to be a part of The Resurrection Project because I truly believe that TRP is the right place for me to do my best work,” says Julian Posada. “This new role allows me to lean into my previous experience and work with the TRP team to transform the neighborhoods we serve by running an efficient organization that helps us build healthy and empowered communities.”
Most recently, Julian was the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Strategy for the Chicago Sun-Times. Prior to that, he held positions as President of the Chicago Fire, Founder and President of Café Media, and General Manager of Hoy Newspaper. He brings over 25 years of experience in both the private and the nonprofit sector.
“Being TRP’s Chief Operating and Enterprise Officer means that I have an opportunity to build on all the great work that was done in the past,” says Julian. “The idea is to create earned revenue streams in order to make the organization self-sufficient and expand the work we do.”
He also notes that growing the organization’s social enterprise ventures is a way to put a stake in the ground in this sector, and create an effective organization that impacts a greater amount of people.
In the first 100 days, Julian plans to do a lot of listening. His goal is to understand what has been done in the past, taking the best parts of that process and strengthening it. His vision also includes a stronger alignment within the organization to continue to achieve more goals and objectives. By becoming a more effective organization, TRP will have the ability to reach even more people with increased programming.
“When companies support nonprofits like TRP, which is unique in the way it works, we are able to be better stewards of their investment, thus increasing our effectiveness,” said Julian. “We are able to use that money in a holistic way, allowing us to provide more impactful solutions to the problems that are affecting our communities.”
During his career, Julian has been a leader and a role model in the Chicago community. He has received several awards for his business achievements and community service, and currently serves on various nonprofit boards including the Academy for Urban School Leadership, The Taproot Foundation, Public Allies, and The Metropolitan Chicago YMCA among other committees within the Hispanic community.
When asked whom he admires the most, he smiled and said, “I admire the barber who has been raising his family on a single salary to try to provide a better life for his children.” Admiration for the simple things, as well as people who have accomplished a lot (and the way they accomplished those things) are important to him. “My father was very strict and raised us to be humble, making sure we understood that we came from privilege,” recalls Julian.
We are thrilled to have Julian on board and look forward to his contributions as The Resurrection Project continues to grow and expand into a stronger organization for the enrichment of the communities we serve.