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TRP, GPEDA, and Alderman Solis present 18 Days on 18th Street

The Resurrection Project (TRP), the Greater Pilsen Economic Development Association, and Alderman Danny Solis will launch 18 Days on 18th Street, the 2nd annual local business holiday shopping campaign for the Pilsen Business Community.
The 18 Days on 18th Street initiative is built to promote local economic development, as well as encourage individuals to support local small businesses during the holiday season and is generously supported by Charter One Bank.
The holiday shopping campaign kickoff will feature a tree lighting ceremony, food and beverages donated by several local businesses, and cultural programming provided by local nonprofit ElevArte Community Studio. Additional highlights of this 18-day initiative include:
· A FREE weekly Trolley Tour of Pilsen, featuring stops at the participating businesses and institutions.
· A traditional Posada celebration for families to come together and celebrate the holidays.
· Daily shopping deals and specials from local Pilsen businesses.
· Weekly FREE cultural programming and performances by local musicians, artists, and institutions including ElevArte Community Studio and the National Museum of Mexican Art.
You can see a full list of participating businesses here.