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TRP Wins Family Strengthening Award at 2009 NCLR Conference
Published: July 1, 2009The Resurrection Project (TRP) is honored to be a recipient of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) 2009 Family Strengthening Awards. NCLR is the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States and is hosting its annual conference in Chicago from July 25-July 28. TRP will be presented with the Award during the conference’s National Affiliate Luncheon.
“By connecting families to critical social service networks and key support services, our affiliates empower them to become active and contributing partners in the development of stronger American communities,” stated José A. Velázquez, NCLR’s Deputy Vice President of Affiliate Member Services. NCLR, in partnership with the Annie E. Casey Foundation, presents the Family Strengthening Awards to three outstanding community-based member organizations (from a national network of nearly 300 Affiliates) whose programs have made a measurable impact in the advancement of Latino families.
The Resurrection Project is honored to receive this Award in recognition of the accomplishments of its Financial Services initiative and its successful integration with the rest of our efforts to shaping a thriving Latino community. In conjunction with the annual convention, TRP Financial Services director Kristen Komara will be participating in panels and workshops to disseminate our best practices to other affiliates from around the country. We are proud to be a local and national leader in building healthy communities.
The National Affiliate Luncheon is being held Saturday, July 25th from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m as part of the 2009 NCLR Annual National Conference. You must be registered to attend. For more information or to register, please click here.