TRP Awarded Grant to Continue Serving Pilsen’s Most Vulnerable Population

Last month, The Resurrection Project (TRP) was awarded $750,000 in funding through the Federal Home Loan Bank’s (FHLB) Affordable Housing Program (AHP.) The funds will allow TRP to perform further improvements to our Single Room Occupancy (SRO) building, Casa Del Sol, and allow us to preserve the rental affordability and continue to serve our low-income and homeless population.
Casa Del Sol, formerly known as the Lugo Hotel, has been operating as an SRO building since the 1970s. TRP acquired the 3-story, 53-unit property in August 2016 through the City of Chicago’s SRO Preservation Ordinance, it is the only SRO still existing in the Pilsen community. “TRP works to preserve these valuable community assets and housing resources on behalf of the residents they serve in our communities” said Raul Raymundo, CEO & Co-Founder at The Resurrection Project.
Since 2017, TRP has invested $250,000 into the acquisition and renovation of the property including renovation of the kitchen, bathrooms, shower rooms, lobby, hallways, and laundry facilities. The Federal Home Loan Bank’s funds will allow TRP to continue to improve the quality of life for the tenants who call Casa Del Sol home. Improvements include the rehab of badly damaged units, completion of renovations and updating of communal amenities, such as water fountains, roofing, and exterior improvements as well as providing social services to the residents through the inclusion of an onsite Social Services Coordinator. The Social Services Coordinator will help residents to access benefits, employment referrals, supportive services and put them on a path of stability and independence.
In addition to providing affordable high-quality units to individuals with incomes between 30% and 50% of the Area Median Income, we have also set aside 20% of the building (11 units) to serve tenants struggling with homelessness. Our staff continue to work to ensure residents are connected to the continuum of services that TRP provides, including financial coaching, digital literacy, and health education.