HomeArticleRaul Raymundo Joins Senator Mark Kirk for Papal Address to Congress

Raul Raymundo Joins Senator Mark Kirk for Papal Address to Congress

Rebecca Shi 312-576-8032, [email protected]
Diana Pando 312-498-4067, [email protected]
Chicago, Illinois – Illinois Business Immigration Coalition-IBIC is delighted that Raul Raymundo, IBIC co-chair and CEO of The Resurrection Project, has been invited by U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) to witness Pope Francis’s address to the joint session of Congress on September 24, 2015.+

Photograph by: Jeon Han via Wikipedia Images

«A well-deserved recognition for Raul’s leadership, his integrity and contribution to Illinois’ vibrant Catholic and immigrant communities,» said John Rowe, IBIC co-chair and Exelon Chairman Emeritus.
“Raul is the perfect example of the entrepreneurial spirit immigrants bring to Illinois and our nation,» Senator Kirk said. «I look forward to welcoming Raul to the Capitol and continuing to stand with him in support of immigration reform so we can unlock the full potential of everyone in Illinois, boost economic growth, and keep families together permanently.»
«I am honored and grateful to have been invited by Senator Mark Kirk to listen to the Pope address Congress,» said Raul Raymundo «As a devout Catholic whose life’s work has been shaped by my Catholic values, I hope that the Holy Father’s message on the plight of immigrants will resonate with every member of Congress and that they will take action to enact Comprehensive Immigration Reform.»
CEO of The Resurrection Project, Raul came to the United States from Mexico as a child. As a devout Catholic, he has spent the last 25 years building over $300 million in economic assets for Mexican Americans creating over 1500 jobs in the Southwest Side community where he grew up. Raul has been at the forefront of every pro-immigrant bill passed in Illinois including in-state tuition, Illinois DREAM Act, and Illinois driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants. Raul  serves on the boards of Archdiocese Catholic Schools, Ounce of Prevention Fund, Illinois Business Immigration Coalition, and National Association of Latino Asset Builders.

The Illinois Business Immigration Coalition promotes common sense immigration reform that advances Illinois economic competitiveness, provides Illinois companies with both the high-skilled and low-skilled talent they need, and allows the integration of immigrants into our economy as consumers, workers, entrepreneurs and citizens.  For more information please visit www.illinoisbic.biz