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Nueva Vida August 2013: The TRP Newsletter

A message from Raul Raymundo
Dear friends and supporters,
Last week, The Resurrection Project (TRP) celebrated the completion of our Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP2) investment in Back of the Yards. Our journey to transform neighborhoods started in Pilsen, and in 2000 we started working in Back of the Yards with our partner Holy Cross IHM and Chicago Commons. In 2007, when the great recession started, the script changed. Despite our efforts, Back of the Yards saw several unhealthy elements soar: foreclosures, unemployment, and crime. Unfortunately, other healthy elements started to decline: home values, property conditions, and family wealth.
We decided to double down on the families of Back of the Yards. We sought funding under HUD’s NSP2 program to rebuild and reinvest in this community as part of a funded $137 million consortium proposal led by the National Association of Community Asset Builders and Chicanos Por La Causa.
As part of this national initiative, we embarked on a $13.8 million effort to acquire 40 foreclosed and vacant properties in Back of the Yards and renovate them into 75 units of safe, decent, affordable housing. The interesting part about this story isn’t the bricks and mortar work. Rather, it’s about the families that will call these apartments home and the neighbors that no longer have to look at blighted foreclosed buildings. TRP recognizes that the true assets of our communities are families.
While we celebrate this achievement, we hear stories and reminders every day of why we must continue our work to create healthy communities. Whether it’s a brave group of women working to promote breast cancer awareness, a young woman realizing her talents as a digital journalist, or a 14-year-old boy handing TRP a petition to bring peace to his block, we are reminded that our work is important, it’s ongoing, and it will always be about people.
Thank you for your continued investment in our work to create healthy communities.
Raul Raymundo
CEO, The Resurrection Project
Read the August Nueva Vida Newsletter as an online magazine here!
You can also download a PDF version.
You can also read our separate articles below. In this issue of our newsletter:
Neighbors, partners, and dignitaries join TRP in celebrating a victory for Back of the Yards
TRP marked the completion of a $13.8 million investment with a special community celebration.
TRP awarded $2 million from Attorney General Lisa Madigan and the National Foreclosure Settlement
TRP was one of 54 award recipients in this landmark settlement, and will use these funds to expand its home purchase and preservation initiatives.
New sponsors line up for 9th Annual Global Latino Fest
Find out what major sponsors are now backing an event that will benefit La Casa Student Housing.
First annual TRP Back of the Yards Home Ownership Fair puts families on the path to home ownership
Area families learn what it takes to make the dream of home ownership come true.
TRP Realty showcases its model on the national stage at the National Council of La Raza Annual Conference
Our new home purchase program takes center stage at a national conference.
With an eye for technology, Iris Elev8s her creativity—and her community
A 13-year-old Pilsen resident discovers a passion for technology and activism through Elev8 Orozco.
Hope through hoops: Area youth petition to bring RBL & peace to their park
In its 14th year of bringing peace to our streets, RBL receives a special request from a boy and his friends.
A year into the fight and still going strong: ELLAS celebrates a special anniversary
A valiant group of women celebrate the first year of their fight against breast cancer.
A successful crowd-funding campaign brings Mercaditos en El Zócalo to Pilsen
El Zócalo comes alive with vendors, neighbors, music, and fun.
TRP in the news
Our VP of Real Estate Development appears on Univisión, WGN profiles our NSP2 program, and more!
By the Numbers
What did a $13.8 million investment produce in Back of the Yards? Click on the infographic below to see!