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A Mother’s Love for Peace TRP – On The Table: Your Voice Matters

May 3, 2016
For Immediate Release:
Media Contact: Diana Pando, 312-880-1140
[email protected]
A Mother’s Love for Peace
TRP – On The Table: Your Voice Matters
(Mexican Mother’s Day Luncheon)
The Resurrection Project (TRP) and The Chicago Sunday Evening Club will host an On The Table discussion on Tuesday, May 10th with mothers who have lost children to gang violence in Chicago’s Latino communities. The free event will start at 11 a.m. and go through 1 p.m. at St Paul Church (2127 W 22nd Place, Chicago, IL 60608).
“This year, we honor the mothers from various parishes in our Latino communities who have not only lost children to violence, but are working tirelessly for peace and social change in their communities,” said Henry Cervantes, TRP’s Safety Organizer.
The panelists will include the following participants who belong to various parishes from Pilsen, Little Village, and Back of the Yards:
- Maria Mateo, St Pius V – Pilsen
- Doris Hernandez, St Agnes – Little Village
- Maria Chavez, St Josephs – Back of the Yards
The panel will be moderated by Ericka Maldonado of Univision Chicago.
The dialogue will focus on how we can put our faith and values into action to create healthy, safe, and peaceful communities. The panelists will also share their powerful stories and unique ways they are bringing peace to Chicago communities.
May 10th is also an important date in the Mexican immigrant community because it’s the official day of observance to commemorate, celebrate, and honor motherhood.
About TRP
After 25 years and an initial seed capital of $30,000 from area parishes, The Resurrection Project (TRP) is a powerful and effective social enterprise that seamlessly blends community development, community organizing, and advocacy with human services delivery to create vibrant, healthier and involved communities. Our efforts have resulted in leveraging $404 million in community investment.
About The Chicago Sunday Evening Club
The Chicago Sunday Evening Club examines vital civic and social issues through a lens of faith and seeks to transform individuals, and the world at large, by telling stories that inspire people to put their faith into action to make Chicago better.
About On The Table
At The Chicago Community Trust, as strongly as we believe that what you do matters, we also believe that your voice matters. On the Table is an annual forum designed to elevate civic conversation, foster new relationships and create a unifying experience across the region. Thousands of Chicago-area residents will gather in small groups to share a meal and discuss the challenges and opportunities we face. These conversations can inspire new ways we can work together to make our communities stronger, safer and more dynamic.