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TRP joins The Greater Food Depository for summer meal initiative

by Diana PandoDid you know summer is the time when children are the most at risk to experience hunger? During the school year children receive either free or reduced meals but during summer those meals end. Rising food prices, unemployment, or stagnant wages are factors that contribute to food insecurity. According to the recent Map the Meal Gap study by Feed America, there are 800,000 people in Cook County going hungry including one in five children.
Nutrition is important to healthy communities. That’s why TRP has partnered with The Greater Food Depository to support their summer meals initiative. Since the beginning of June their Lunch Bus has stopped in Pilsen to provide free meals to children.
The Lunch Bus provides children the nutrition they need to stay healthy during the summer, and to be ready to learn and grow when the school year starts.
During the week moms and their children arrive at the Zocalo on 18th and Paulina. Once the Lunch Bus arrives the line of children begins to form to receive their meal. Recently, they got a special treat when SouthPaw from the White Sox came to distribute meals to children.
“Strong partners like TRP are crucial in the fight against hunger in Cook County,” said Paul Murello, a spokesperson for The Greater Chicago Food Depository. “Together, we must address the issue of hunger, community by community, and having dedicated partners in all communities – like Pilsen – helps us do that.”
The Lunch Bus will be providing free meals to children through August 29th at 11:30 AM Monday – Friday at the Zocalo on 18th and Paulina.