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From a cramped apartment to a beautiful home in Berwyn

by Diana Pando
“I wanted to be independent and make sure my kids have their own house.”
– Veronica Martinez, TRP First Time Homeowner
For years, Veronica Martinez struggled with her housing situation. She was a single mother of three, and she rented a cramped apartment from her parents. The apartment was so small, there was little room for beds, and her kids would have to sleep on the couch. For Veronica, buying her own home was important.
“I finally wanted to go out and be independent for my children,” she said. “I wanted them to have their own room and it was really important for me to get on my feet and do it for them.”
She began the process of looking for a house to buy. For two years, she struggled to find one. Each time she found a home she liked, her bid wasn’t accepted. Veronica didn’t want to spend a third year house hunting but gave it one last try. She contacted TRP’s Financial Wellness Department and after participating in their home purchase program she got pre-approved for a new house.
What surprised her about working with TRP is that she would always call them with questions about the paperwork, and she always got a response. “They were patient and friendly,” she says, “making the process much more convenient.”
Today, Veronica and her children are living in their spacious new home in Berwyn. She chose that area because of the schools and the friendly neighbors. Her children now have their own rooms with their own beds. Since she purchased her home, Veronica feels more independent. She’s also been referring friends and co-workers to TRP’s home purchase program.
“All this time, I was going to the wrong people to try to buy a home,” she says. “And once we got into our new home, a lot of things changed. I think it’s a great thing and I’m grateful for that.”
On 7/26 from 9AM to 2PM at the Cicero Community Center there will be a free housing fair. Read more…