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Civic 2.0 classes: Bridging Pilsen’s digital divide

by Alex Morales
Published: July 15, 2011
On Wednesday May 4, 2011 The Resurrection Project, Casa Juan Diego, the IL Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and Cooper Dual Language Academy celebrated the graduation of the first Civic 2.0 class.
The Civic 2.0 classes are designed to introduce community members to basic computer use, from turning on a system and operating a mouse to surfing the web and using email. The Civic 2.0 classes are part of the SmartChicago initiative which is currently bridging the digital divide in our communities via classes and community workshops.The computer classes were facilitated by TRP’s Elizabeth Rosas-Landa. Through a 10 week course on computer basics, Liz shows our community the advantages of technological knowledge and how computers can improve quality of life.
“I was scared of getting near a computer, but that is not the case anymore. Now I can go to the library, log into my email, use the computer with my son, help him with homework, and be self-sufficient. This has been a wonderful experience and thanks to it I am studying English, and that is improving my life!” shared 2011 Civic 2.0 graduate Mrs. Jesus Jimenez.
With the completion of the program, Civic 2.0 graduates receive a netbook along with continued support from the city, so they can continue learning, remain connected to their classmates and utilize the information they gained from the program. Graduates now have the ability to share their computer skills with family and friends, help their children with school work and take advantage of all the information the internet offers.
If you would like more information on Civic 2.0 and other local SmartChicago events contact Elizabeth at 312 850 1935 ext. 104.