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Cardinal George Announces $500,000 Investment by The Archdiocese of Chicago in Affordable Housing Initiatives

Published: November 23, 2009
On Monday November 23, 2009 the Archdiocese of Chicago held a press conference at The Resurrection Project’s newest residential building, Casa Morelos, to announce the Archdiocese of Chicago’s investment in affordable housing initiatives on Chicago’s southwest side. Cardinal Francis George declared the formation of a new partnership between The Resurrection Project TRP and the Archdiocese, in which the Archdiocese has allocated $500,000 dollars to TRP which will allow the organization to continue to provide opportunities for hard working families to find safe and affordable housing. This initial investment by the Archdiocese will provide additional capital to assist in the development, construction, marketing, and promotion of affordable housing units being built by The Resurrection Project for low-to-moderate income families and individuals. ABC News, Univision and WGN News were there to cover the event.
“There is a dramatic necessity in our city neighborhoods for this kind of development that has shown to be a critical component necessary to helping reduce poverty, homelessness and other forms of social disruption” remarked Cardinal George. “We are very please that the Archdiocese can partner with The Resurrection Project, which has realistically challenged people and institutions to act on their faith and values to help create healthy neighborhoods and communities. They have repeatedly shown credibility with the City, local neighborhoods, and the banking and investment communities to accomplish their mission and have demonstrated the capacity to make quality living options available in the Chicago areas which lack sufficient numbers of affordable homes.”
Also during the event, two community residents living at Casa Morelos gave testimonies, speaking about the benefits of having a community-based organization like The Resurrection Project looking after the well being of our neighborhood. One testimonial was given by Marco Rivas, a Casa Morelos tenant. “I am very grateful to God, and I am grateful to my pastors at St. Pius V church, Fr. Chuck and Fr. Brendan, for letting me know about this opportunity. Most of all, I am grateful to The Resurrection Project for making it possible for me to live at Casa Morelos, where it is safe and affordable. To me, this building and the work of The Resurrection Project demonstrates that there are people that are worried about the well-being of the community.”